Marion City Wide Garage Sale 2023 (2025)

1. Marion, Kansas City Wide Garage Sales - Facebook

  • Multi Family Garage Sale All size clothing, boys, girls and Adult. Household items and decorations. Thursday July 11th, 3pm-6pm Friday July 12th, 10am-6pm ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

2. 2023 Wisconsin City/Village/Town Wide Rummage Sale BIG LIST

  • 2023 Wisconsin City Wide Big List. Find A Sale Get Your Rummage On ... Marion Citywide Rummage Sale, 5/6/23, 5/6/23. Mayville City-Wide Rummage Sales ...

  • Find Wisconsin city, village, town wide sales on the Rummage BIG LIST. Get Your Rummage On!"

2023 Wisconsin City/Village/Town Wide Rummage Sale BIG LIST

3. 2023 Spring Citywide Rummage Sale

4. Garage Sales

  • GARAGE SALE 995 Parkview Dr, Marion Fri Sept 20th, 9am-6pm Sat Sept 21st, 9am-6pm We are downsizing our hobbies! From sewing and crafting to stuff ... Fri 9/20: ...

  • The Gazette Garage Sales provides a centralized location for people in Eastern Iowa to post and search for garage sales online. We make it easy to connect treasure hunters with their next great find. Let’s face it, garage sales are fun!

Garage Sales

5. Calendar • Sidewalk Yard Sale - Marion, NC

  • Find a steal of a deal at this annual event on Main Street. You'll be able to peruse the goods of more the 60 dealers during this sale designed for vintage ...

  • Find a steal of a deal at this annual event on Main Street.

Calendar • Sidewalk Yard Sale - Marion, NC

6. CITY WIDE GARAGE SALES 2023 - Tiffin, Iowa

  • Missing: marion | Show results with:marion

  • Copy and paste this code into your website.

CITY WIDE GARAGE SALES 2023 - Tiffin, Iowa

7. Palo Alto Citywide Yard Sale

  • Jun 1, 2024 · Books, Clothing, Jewelry, Kitchen Utensils and Tools, Antiques,certified organic compost China set, Household decorations, Vintage board games, ...

  • Full list of all locations.

8. City-Wide Garage Sale - Hoopla

  • Missing: 2023 | Show results with:2023

  • Marion will hold a City-wide garage sale from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Find some great bargains and be sure to make a pit stop for lunch or ice cream while you’re out and about. A map and sign-up link will be posted at

City-Wide Garage Sale - Hoopla

9. Palmyra Chamber Of Commerce - Palmyra, MO

  • Our Annual Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet ; 2023 Business Hall of Fame. Northeast Power ; 2023 President's Award. Susan Berti ; 2023 Board of Directors.  ...

  • Palmyra is such a great place to not only live but LIVE! From great locally owned businesses, to exciting events, beautiful parks, strong leaders, and most importantly, the amazing people in our community.

Palmyra Chamber Of Commerce - Palmyra, MO

10. Home - North Liberty Citywide Garage Sales

  • Missing: marion | Show results with:marion

  • North Liberty Garage Sales An epic bi-annual city-wide shopping event October 4-5, 2024June 12-14, 2025 Submit My Fall 2024 Garage Sale Click to Submit Your Fall 2024 Garage Sale 2024 Garage Sale Master Lists Get the Garage Sale Lists Garage Sale Lists – Google Drive Schedule & Important Dates Fall Garage Sale submissions begin September […]

Home - North Liberty Citywide Garage Sales
Marion City Wide Garage Sale 2023 (2025)


What is the best weekend of the year to have a garage sale? ›

Late spring to early fall is the ideal time of year, so aim for this timing if possible. As for the day of the week, you'll have better luck with foot traffic on days where people aren't at work, so it's best to stick to weekends. Both Saturdays and Sundays are good options.

What is the busiest time for a garage sale? ›

For the best attendance, choose a Saturday or Sunday morning between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., when temperatures are cooler. If you can have a two-day sale, that's an even better way to maximize your profits. Make sure to check the weather forecast, too, before you set your date in stone.

How can I maximize my garage sale profit? ›

Here are 7 tips to help make your next garage sale or yard sale as profitable as possible.
  1. Offer Plenty to Sell. A sparse garage sale doesn't have much curb appeal. ...
  2. Spruce Things Up. ...
  3. Make it Easy to Shop. ...
  4. Don't Price Too High … or Too Low. ...
  5. Remember that Time is Money. ...
  6. Draw Customers with Freebies. ...
  7. Offer Profitable Extras.

What is the fastest way to get ready for a garage sale? ›

Tips for Getting Garage-Sale Ready
  1. Check for permit requirements. ...
  2. Clean out your closet. ...
  3. Start sorting. ...
  4. Gather your crew. ...
  5. Set a date. ...
  6. Stock up on supplies. ...
  7. Get ready to accept digital payments. ...
  8. Keep your emotions out of your pricing.
Apr 16, 2024

How much cash should you have for a garage sale? ›

Consider how much cash you'll need on hand to make change for attendees and stop by the bank ahead of time. Conventional advice is to have at least $100 cash available to make change.

How do I attract people to my yard sale? ›

Post your garage sale flyers around the neighborhood a few days before the yard sale. Make sure to place them in high-traffic areas like marts, parks, office elevators, and churches so people will see them. You can also ask your friends and family to help out.

What sells best at yard sales? ›

Baby & kids clothing, toys, and gadgets sell super well as well as kitchen stuff (dishes, cookware, etc). Adult clothing can sell, but it's generally not as popular as kids clothing. If you don't have many of the best selling items, a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Is it better to price items at a garage sale? ›

Although not everyone puts price tags on their garage sale merchandise, pricing your merchandise in advance will make the day of the sale less hectic for you. Additionally, it may make customers more likely to buy.

What are the disadvantages of a garage sale? ›

Another significant downside is that a garage sale is a lot of work. Successful garage sales involve (and require) a lot of preparation like making signs, placing ads, getting permits, pricing items, and getting up before dawn on the day of the sale to set everything up.

What is the average profit from a garage sale? ›

The right items bought at garage sales are often resold for an average profit of 462% each. As long as you know what to look out for, and who to sell it to, flipping garage sales (and yard sales, and flea markets!) is a clever and easy way to really line your pockets.

How do I make my garage sale look good? ›

Display things in groups.

I had a section for books, toys, purses, shoes, household items, dvds/blu rays/ video games, and clothing. Organization makes the yard sale look clean and easier for buyers to spot things they want.

How to display yard sale items? ›

Best to put everything on a table or hang it within reach. Dumping clothes on a sheet on the lawn, only looks like you haven't done laundry in a long time. Clean it, dust it or at least wipe it down. If it's clean and tidy it sells a LOT faster.

What day of the week is best for garage sales? ›

The most popular days for garage sales are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Fridays and Sundays may bring in a decent number of buyers, but Saturdays are the best day to host a garage sale because they will attract both casual customers and serious shoppers.

What is the best time of day to go to a garage sale? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high. Depending on how many items you plan to sell, you may want to spread the sale out over multiple days.

What weekend is the longest yard sale? ›

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It's literally, The World's Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long.

What day of the week is best for sale? ›

Best day for the fastest sale

Listing your property on a Thursday can help sell a home fast as well as for the best price, the Zillow study found. This time frame gives sellers enough time to have multiple showings over the weekend — and, hopefully, an offer or two by Monday.

How to hold a successful garage sale? ›

How to Hold a Successful Garage Sale
  1. Don't wait until the last minute. ...
  2. Contact your local government. ...
  3. See if neighbors want to join in. ...
  4. Schedule the sale. ...
  5. Advertise. ...
  6. Price your goods. ...
  7. If it's junk, recycle or donate it. ...
  8. Display items nicely.

What is the best month to have an estate sale? ›

Winter is ideal for sellers; summer spells magic for buyers

To illustrate, a lot of homeowners hold yard and garage sales in summer because they tend to clean their attics, basement, and garage during the warmer months. Moreover, agreeable weather gets them more traffic and makes selling their belongings easier.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.