Trane 4TWR5060N1000A 5 Ton Split System Heat Pump, Single-Stage, R-410A Description: HVAC equipment products sold to licensed contractors only. Products sold in select areas only, please contact your local branch for availability in your area. Feel confident in your home’s heating and cooling with a system that’s built to last. The XR16 heat pump is Trane’s best value heat pump because it combines great prices with even better energy efficiency ratings. In the summer, you can count on this heat pump to cool your home reliably with a SEER rating of up to 17 When the system switches to heating mode in the winter efficiency isn’t compromised, as the XR16 heat pump possesses an HSPF rating of up to 9.6 Both of these ratings make the system ENERGY STAR® qualified, plus it's quiet. Plus it's quiet, durable, and a great value, too. Together, they offer you reliable comfort that could lower your energy costs. Specifications: Nominal Capacity Cooling 54,000 Btu/h SEER2 14.3 Voltage Rating 208/230/1/60 Sound Rating 72 dB MCA 32.0 Max. Fuse 50 Liquid Line Size 3/8" Suction Line Size 1-1/8" Compressor Stages Single Stage Dimensions: Product Height (in.): 45” Product Width (in.): 37” Product Depth (in.): 34”
Unit Weight: 251 lbs.
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