McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas (2024)

tKDAY, AtCtST 3X 193 vUr Asked To Testify In Vivian Gordon Had N. Y. Vice Probe, ana fr uiajir it ruia vrt f'K-e Thousand iSS uuHJUi Xaauar ita general relief. Alma Ramsey and Uoyd W. Davia are Plaintiffs and the unknown stockholders, the unknown liquidating trustees, and tne unknown legal representative of Mc Alien lm rrovement Cere pony, at defunct But Death Sealed Story Case Had Pitiful Aftermath In SukirJe Of Victims I met Stein, nr.d had received from Stein a fur rout and a Tjr.itrh Ho ou.iti, i a icvcurw Stein a fur coat and a waUrh.

HeiCI eacn wee i 16-Year Old Daughter; Two Suspects Were Tried And Acquitted iFIitlW Tint' Herewith Th timr.intmt (K S-icJorn part of the United States. ANNIVERSARY PLANS ARE PUSHED Group Aid la Uereetles EartMay MERCEDES. Aug. 20 Representatives of Yalley Mexican and Latin-Ames kan organizations of the Lower Rio Grande Valley met in. Mercedes at the chamber etf.

commerce office Wednesday evening, Aug. 181 discuss and make plans for the celebration of September IS at the Mercedes anniversary celebration. Antonio Garcia, chairman of th celebration, addressed the group, followed by It Urreas, Mexican consul, of McAUen, Ramon Lon-Itoria. president ftoml of the League of United Latin American Citizens, offered the assistance of his group. Among the organizations represented were: Comision Honorifi-ca Mexicana, Rayrnondville; CPmi- ision Honorifka Mexicana.

Santa Police officer McLaughlin denied Miss Gordon's chaige -hat be had framed her. Tie raid he did not even remember the She knewa great deal about ether thing; gJti'g co. in the under world. She unquestionably would haye b-en a valuable witness in the inquiry, Diaries contairung at least 209 names aiid seenrts of biactmail vce were iu Oor dcV amrtment in East 3Tth street shortly after the murder. Those who kuew the wvman id despite the herdeoed life sheJ Wd she alluring 'and than nracy men.

including some who were wealthy, courted her. She could charming cn occasion. M.V Among those she knew was Jehn A. Radetoff. a lawyer.

She met him through Sara Cohen, a ftrmer coevLet It wss Radeloff was her attomev in various suits she brought, or threaten to bnr.g. agsyjist men for on reason or another, IIer actxnfo included lending 7 cf money. An entry ln ter loan of S1.j(M to a man nA to op-n a Oslo. Norway. One of the notations diary said: in ker THE STATE OF TEXAS THE SHERIFF OR ANY CON STABLE OF HIDALGO COUNTY GREETING! YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to summon the unknown stockholders, the unknown liquidating trustees and the unknown legal representatives of Allen Improvement Company." a defuecf coTDoratuja bv makimr Tiuhiication I i eonsesutiv weeks previous tn return oav nmor in mv wsp-per.

published in your Coun- ty. if there be a newspaper pub- the nearest county where a news- paper puWisiied; to appear at' the next regular term of the 93rd Dis- rict Court of Hidalgo County. Tex- to be held at the Court House thereof, in Edinburg, on the- First aeptemoer a. i. uw aw uay ot acptem- her.

1337. then and there to answer PeUtkm. filed in said Ctw- on the 29th day of July A D. in a suit on the docket of said Court. No.

8-11124 wherein A suit wherein Alma Ramsey and Lloyd W. Davis are suing tbe unknown stock-boloerv the unknown liquidating trustees, and the unknown legal representatives of. Me-AKo Improvement Company, a defunct corporation, and W. R. Jack-sen, for title and pr session to Lot Number Twelve '12 in Block Number Thirty-fiv 135 of the Town of McAUea.

as the same appears by map or plat thereof now of record in the Office of tbe County Clerk of Hidalgo County. Texas, to which map. or plat reference is here made; MARKET, GROCERY Xtar BI.1--. Mflkn woiked in chorkjev and associated with vaudeville actors. Sae met John A Khwff.

and! they were married. They had on I cnibt. a daugnter, tta-Ka. wnj wai born ia Philadelphia in 1915. Five years later she and Bsrhoff ep-i rated, and auosequentiy the husband obtained a divorced M-s.

Biichof. or Vtviiin Gordon. 5he beeam knows, returned to New York. She brouttht her child with aer. Someocw she diverted from the so-cailed straignt and narrow path and became as- waited wiy tarketeers ind other types in ine tsroacway uis- trtrt.

Discovery Uat Gordon wis! to have been a wiiess. at her oym- request, in the famous Sea- bUo investigabbn into vice ani tackettermg became a symificant i HZfkJ. nTjl-' two had turned to alleged pom at wt-nien or me; REFORMATORY TERM Court records 5howd that Miss Gordon was jjrrcsted on a vice charge in Muxch. 1922. and sentenced to Bedford Reformatorv for an indeterminate periud.

The arrestirg officer was man Axjrew McLaugnhn. whose i-ame had been brought recentfy into the investigation in cunnec-Uon with alleged framing cases. Mis Gordon shortly before she wrs sliiiv. had. aked for an op-i portunity to appear befe the in-! quiry.

An appvHntmeRt for her 1 was mide but in the meantime she was murdered. It is understood that what she wanted to talk about when she offered to testify before the vice i inquiry was her arrest by Mc Laugnun in 1923. She wrote the authorities Sue had 'some information in connectioB with a frrme-up by a police officer and ethers' wtucb she believed would be of interest to them. Irving Ben Cocper. an assisting official ia the vice mvestigaucn.

saw her artd lishened to her alleged version of how she was -fiamed" He advised her to i -The only ore i have i aQ yje gas jets, is Rtideloff. my lawyer, wra if he sfae rushed to a hospital in wanted to. cculd get Cohen and a CJsder, X. J. where she died with-couple of his henchmen to do ut reynuig consctousriess.

away with W3S a pitiful aftermath of her Although this rsctation got Rade- i rcther decth. into some difficulty nothing ever developed to show that he! DIARIES INVESTIGATED cerptratian, and W. R- Jackson ant rWmiaof anA th taua of action bemg aiieged as follow HERELf FAH, JtOT. Put few Jt before said sd Stst day cf the next terra tber th showing how y-xt have executed same. WITNESS MY HAND AND Of- FICIAL, SEAL at my rce in burg, Texas, this 29th day ft July D.

1927. K. C. BOYSEX Cterk Hid Dwtnct Conr Htdblgo County. Texas.

SEAU V. A true copy I certify J. R. Babi Coiiftabl Precinct No. 3 Hidalg County.

Texas. July 30- Aug, 4-13-29 616 kecks llAIXUV ia COLDS first day Safvav! Liqid, Tablets, Try -Rnb-My-1 wrir Ifnlasmt ws Chpewite Pom Office 25c 41c 5c 57c He 27c S2C: a a Toe 13c 29c 25c 15c lCc 15c vm a ia i 25 Ar a. ea a3C Rasa; ComistOn Hoeortfica Mexi- I cans. Los Fresno; Comision Hono-j Mexicana. La Feria: Club I Swasnca.

Mission; Coocibo "UJ- LAC. McAOen; Conciho LVLAC i Harungen; Oncilio M.ULAC" Rartingen; de Damas Concilin a I Damns "LULAC Donna. The following Comlte Patriottco I wis appointed. PresideBte. Sr.

Antonio G. Garcia; Yice-Presidente. it. C- Zamora; Secretaria. Srita.

F-dela Tanguma; and Tesorero. Sr. lie. Ramon L. Longoria.

The follow mg weather report by the Weather Bureau at Brownsville shows temperatures Tbursday: Abilen Amariuo Atlanta Austin r- Boston Brownsville Clucago Cleveland 1- Corpus ChriMi Dallas Del Rio 1M S3 93 ss Denver Dodge City Tl Paso Fort Smith Houston Jacksonville Kansas City Las Angeles LoUtsvtU -Memphis Miami r- Mp Sv P. Xe OrVs North Platte Cktehoma City Palestine -T Pirnsaeola Fhoaaix Si j. -Salt Lake City San Antonio fanta Fe 5bendan Sbreveport Tampa Yicksburg Washington. rj 89 SS TS 2 S4 'Mj B9 1M S3 92 t2 tl i i 4ieracix 1 Pit SAU9 DRiSSING. Quart JEIX-0, AH flaTcrs I father more information and r-i turn.

She was never abie to give fourth of a series at articles on fa- incus unsolved cases. It deals with the murder of Vivian Gordon, Eroaday adventuress one of the most amazins stories in the annals of New York's crime hissory.k MX J.MES hULGALLEN Xews Ssiviie SUXf NEW YORK. Aug 29 (DSr Yiru Gordoc. red-haired. 30-year- dd Eroad way night dub habitue and 'crmer actress, was found slain in Van Cortland Park on the morning oi February 2a, 193L The murder created a stnsation because tt developed that Mtss1 Gordon was to have been an important witness in a sweeping vice tLvestigation whtcn was then in full swing and had the underworld on the qui vive win expectancy and fear.

Miss Gordon knew the underworld. She 1 rubbed elbows for years with the racketeers, vice lords i and their ilk. Harry Francis, a truckman, as he'. was walking along a seldom used I road in the park- It Lav in a thick- et EE AT EX AM STRANGLED Arond her throat was a rupe, resembling a aash cord. It had been pulled tightly it bad cut the aesn of her neck, and then bad (Kn wound around taesety sveral times.

There were marks of blows on her head Scratches on her Ies in-dicated she may have been dragged over rocks to the thicket The body was identified as that of Vivian Gordon through her finger prints. She hod been fashionably dress-d black velvet dress, silk underclothes, gun metal stockings. Her velvet slippers were found rearby, as were her white kid gloves and black straw hat. Her coat was not found, nor was there any jewteUy on thebody. The investigation disclosed Vivian HrMinn wm-ss a Karaa in if tan City.

Ind in I9L She mw said to ba the daughter of an Uuncis state prison official, who dead at the time of bis daughter's murder. At an early ae she went lo a convent Guelph. Ont, Canaaa. After braving the convent she Jolly And Kelly Are LVmino Games Winners Bob Jolly and T- W. KeUy took out of eight games of do- from W.

E. Ttantham. Al Weir and John Swing last night The games were played with Weir new srt of domiaoes. and Swing finished up for Weir dur- ing the latter part of the playing hours, with K. fft, four-kttet lwkttim -Nw by 10-Miataka 24PmUc lorn Burgaxlaw at India tt-Cmkgo4 of war iw A ptaca of stunted uoer a-Ma Kwp.

-Tpat awmd awe ptvuaaw fwm at SNOWDRIFT; ftav GRAPE JUICE Rosetsary COFFEE Kaxweil Hocse aCUR, Gold Medal 24lbs. JUGAR. htperH ft IBs. UGHT HOUSE CLEANSER. Cans GREEK BEANS, 2Cans fh PAR-T-PAK, BoKlct DrouV 5 for.

CHERRIES N. 2 On PEAS, Nok 2 Can Dei Monte, No. 2 Out to keep On the other hand, she insisted Radlow cwrd her she insisted Radlow cwid her $2,000. The case was later dropped. Miss! Gordon's hujbund.

Btschaff, had married in the meantime after he bad obtained his divorce. He alio had succeeded in obtaining the curtcdy of thetr child. Benita. had grown up. She was sixteen at the time of the murder of her mothf.

arid she- was living with her fa Jr and his second wife at Au ion. tL'J. The dissrace attendina her i mcther's deatb when the woman past came out in the newspapers was to much for Benita to bear. In her dry on February 23. 1331, little Benita wrote: "My mother has.

been found dead in New York and there are tei-rible things being said about her." A notation made the following day said; going to change my name to Fredrtcka todays I iust can't li' any longer." Then came another tragedy IS-year-oid Benita commited suicide! Unable to bear the shame of the sesrtng revelations following her mothers murder, Benita. a freshman in Audubon High School, closeted herself in the kitchen of her tKime cn March 3. arid turned The investigation into Vivian GordcV tt.urriw oroceeded Th diaries th woman had left, esoe- eiaiiy the notation mentioning tne loan cf to "Saunders. to a b- Qsl Hiuce began checking up on Harry Scunders. They learned Saunders used the alias fjBder Ute Rame of Nore he had done time in Sing Sing in 1S21 fcr mbbirF ana anost strangling a vcmaa in the Brent It was learned that his mcfel recent alias was Harr Stein.

Ultimately Stein wts arrested. c- -r altas ine poucc aug up David Butter- man and his wife, who lived rr the and said that on the day Vivian Gordon was slain Stein t- Uphoord his home; that, he HIDALGO Court Records MXB DISTRICT COURT Jedge Bryca Fergaaaa Filed: Juantta Wear vs. Pierce Drilling Ccmpany, et aL suit for dam- jTk, Lehenbauer vs. F. it Coop er, debt and attachment SCRD DISTRICT COURT Jadga W.

R. BlalaeJt A B. Watson vs. Oaudio Ta-mea, et ux. trespass to try title A B.

Watson vs. Enrtqie Stlva. et ex. trespass to try titie. NEW CARS R.

X. Smith. Jr, Mission, Ford; C. A Mercedes. Ford; H.

N. Matthews. Mercedes. Ford; w-irtji-Caskey Company. Mer- cedes.

Ford; J. P. Peales. Etoa. Che- vrolet; pay E.

Ricketson. Doona. Chevrolet: Tedie W. Vaughao, Donna Chevrolet: James J. New- bauer.

Donna, Chevrolet; J. Yit- tetoe, Weslaco. Ford. McALLEX WUXICIPAl BOSFtTAL Born to Mr. and Mrs.

C- A Rack, a girl Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hirsch, Alamo, a girl Mrs. R. B.

Horn, dismissed. Monelte Mason, Mission, surgical patient. Doria Gayl Schulu. Mission surstical patient E. Trader.

Pharr. dismissed. v- Vfergbua Aoalea A maas rourKhi? of Xegro so ptct was crCercd by pobc in Chicago following an attack en Virginia Austen, 23, a New York artist, in her hotel room, Miaa Atste i was beatta tnsensibte a brick by the lntrler, 1 Str i 'xS' i wanted Buttermart to stlt the coat -ri i BuKerman a rut on the proceeds. I to Butterman: PKOrCSED DEAL DROPPED Hovnever. when Mrs.

Butterman heard about the murder she put a stop to her husband having any-ihmg cio WLtb tbe proposed deal. The newspapers pointed out that Miss coat was musing and that none of her jewelry had been found near the scene of th Irrim Ai cut of th r. i The police claimed, too, that Stein had been shopping: for a car a few days pricr to the murder and that he had takers a watch la a jeweler for appraisal. Steia and Greenburg Were indicted and brought to trial for murder before Justice Albert Cohen en Jane 1L Stein's counsel' was Samuel Letbowitz. the fat.u criminal lawyer, who had a rexoariubie record in saving defendants to murder charges from tne electric chair.

The trial attracted considerable interest. The star witness for th? state was Harry Schlitten, a Newark, N. J. taxi driver. Schlitten 'd he drove Ihe ear foe the bcyb on the ride to Van Cortland I Fark where sa Gordon's body had been fotud the previous ruary 26.

RIDICILES ACCUSATIONS. I i The defense ridiculed ibis itlsa the story of other prose-! cution witnesses. 1 The verdict --not guilty" was 1 by a jury, on June 30. I in and Greenburg were freed; Subsequently Stein was convicted i robbery acd sentenced to erve; a twenty-five year term. The famous Vivian Gordon mur der case investigation dragged from then on.

Tne police made de-iultory efforts to solve tl. wUhout awiL i Thus, as time wore on. the case. went dewn in pclice history as "uc-! Triat is its status today. more than six- years after the; crime was committed.

The yellow clippings, in the newspaper office "morgues' testify to the great in- terest the case created and thej amount of space devoted to it. It was a real life drama involving th tragic deaths of a mother a her daughter and certainly bad enough raw material for a trerrtend irjs.piax.or best seller ooveL Queen TODAY THORRO Cat Auuy. singing cowboy who will appear in "Rootin TooUn Rhythm" at the Queen tomorrow. FOR Send of llat famoan Siciah Cook, Book I jour trieocla ia tb ortla Now oa sale at McAUea Prasa vlfica foe pric, 2Sc Tbe aapply ia ao get yoar aooR NOV. VE SAVE YOU TIOKEY Lei Ut Fljurw oa Vcaetiaa Elladi for Your Hom Rxhnata aasda anyabef tba Valley, entmty ttubma.

obligation, MORE FOR YOUR MONTY. ALWAYS Mc.Vlea. Car, Beaaaaaai. And BeeaJway Paaae Brewasvtav ESasaeUt aM atraeta, (ft I TV Jf DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZLE DELICATESSEN Meat loaf, Roat Beef, Heart, Tonttc compete Kne of Veyetablc. axnl SalaJ.

aU Uoote Mla Rolls, ami Pie, serve! between' 11:00 al iu. and pv to. Oyentteet Qaalirv Llartct Xc Carry Pavkiog, lloue Meat Ouly Uih QuaLtx had any intention of causing harm to befcttl Miss Qordon, BLACKMAIL R.CKET The then New York c.ty police tawd rconey. told reporters Miss Gor- was 10 "te blackmail He sswd pSkrt tir buSin9! to St-W1-' ff Sa? J'- Th commiisicner de that Gordoei always advised girls to tJ-i out the name, social position snd finances cf the men they went out with. It developed that on August jliss Gordoa had been ar- restjl im an extortion charge acceptwg S2ug a marked money frcra Joseph Radlcw; ccus.n cf aUckfcff.

Rai'ow as- srteJ sne uireatena expose i him for violating the Mjtm white slave act unless he paid her money PROCESSLNG PIANT Weshco Site Of Another WESLACO. Aug. 2 'Sjii TV L. Maxcy Company of Frost proCf. iFlorjda.

w.SI erect a eius pPc- essmg plant in the near fu ture, it was anrvOunccd Way Harry Ratbft of the Wes-laco chaanber of commerce. The plant wil be the fifth to be- constructed in Weslaco during th? year. Ratliff stated that the plant would have a capacity of 5.0GO cases of canned grapefruit in 10 hours, and 10 carloads of fresh fruit dairy. The structure will be erected in east Welaco and will employ several hundred people. MERCHANDISE 1 CONTINUED FROM AGS two rKS, valued at $12.

The Ingram stated, ranged in age from la to 20. and were wanted for a long list of Nueces! county rvbbeoe. SEEK MORS GOODS Ingram told Vickers that he would remain ia Corpus Christi today and attempt to locate the last of the nussing suitcases that were stolen from the Sara Green-held Clothing store, and in which the thieves packed the merchan-iise. Two, of the suitcase were found on a canal bank near Mission yesterday afternoon where tbe robbers had abandoned them in their haste to make a getaway. Officers exjpressed the opinion that the rrrest of the three men would solve a number of thefts that have occurred throughout the Valley during the past several mcoths.

The assortment of tobacco recovered at Corpus Christi was identified as that UWn from a Mc-lleo firm. PRAISE POUCC Prats was given toe Mc Allen police department for their accurate method ef fingerprinting all arretted persons and suspects, which remitted in the capture of the men. In tho tarry hours of Wednesday atominz the robbers entered he Footer Jewelry store, the Carta CVh Croc-Tv store, a aool halL and tho Sim Greenfield Clothing itor vw 'nud off with hundreds of dctlais in aierehandiso and cash, Wih the aid modem crim cV-tHio methods, officers bad iled the alleged intruders exactly two days Liter. i TWA WEATHER PROPHETS NEW YORK. flR-Tha kfiosyn-craciea of weather present no prob-Krna Tranicontnental and I Western Airlines" own weather bureau.

Its meteorologists averag ed 99 per cent right for weather predictions over the entire system coast to coast for the month June. Certain meteorological wr right with every single prediction! 1 i i a I i STHVK5, Baby JJef, Cboice Round or Loin, lb. CHOPSi Very Lean, Pouml S1RL0LN5, Center Cut, Pouml the srppvirttnv FRATERNITY IN SESSION ITatn PL! A. Vvappa fill Umeja BItetlDJ At HarEag ea KARLXXCEX Aug 20. fSpl Registrattori of delegates to the fifteenth annual national convetion of Kappa Phi Omega, non-academic fraternity, got underway here this mcming at the Reese-Wil-Mond Hotel The convention is being sponsored by the Harlmgen chapter of the fraternity.

The more than SO delegates who are expected to attend will com from points in Arkansas. OktaV-raa. Texas. New Mexico and Louisiana. The delegates were to be served a lum-hron at noon today followed by a business session at 5 o'clock this afternoon, a barbecue supper and dance will be given for th delegates at Boca Cfuca night A business session Saturday taorning will open the Saturday activities after which a luncheon wilt be given Matamoroa, A final discussion of business matter will be held Saturday afternoon followed by a tour of Matamoroa, The Beta Sigma Phi sorority will givw a tea dansanl for the delegatea late Saturday afternoon.

and tbe final ball will be held Saturday night at the Aztec Roof Talent Chairman Names Cavalcade Committees MERCEDES. Aug. 20 Mrs. Wendell Schware, talent chairmvi for the Yaliey-wide Cavalcade to be beld ia Mercedes September IX la, 11. and ha appointed tbe following members to her committee; Mm Louie Morris.

Mrs. Marko bta Greer IFIstner. Mias Helen France EueU. of San Benito and Mrs. Martin Harischeck of Mere.

cea. Mrs. Schwant will contact chib women in each city in the Valley and with their cooperation will select the east for tha Cavalcade of the Rio Grand Valley. RETURN. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Cantner have returned front San Antonio, where Mr. Cantner, Pacific Mutual Lite Insurance district agent, attended buaineaa District Agent J. Far-rail vaa extended a nirprisa birthday party Monday aight in San An tonioY attended by district managers over Farrvll'i Jurisdiction, a well the headquarters force. Fiv states California, niirtoia.

New York, Ohio and PennsyNania accounted tor half the total liquor consumption last year to the United State ROAST OP BEEf Or Veal, Ha, CHEESE; Fall Cream. Poua.1 OLEOMARCiRI.NE, Paeurued In Utk IK HENS, FRYERS, FISH, COTTAGE CHEESE AND ML ADS Today wctaftad paxs Mrte icamber oown. aa Mevea-anur woro. ut a aquaiva ad of oack word aad check wiU lotnorrvw-t aotutioK. 1 After SepL 1st Texu Urscr: Lt ttr te3 bulk wbev Stock bow at Cksbj OutFriceav Youn oTi 'cbriTAr MM hti Mtatas COeartaf VrfW oRo i zQwDahJC WUa XX Chains tun wmw ihte i lodio 24 Serf tWwaaf to bias 27 On of rve ka, Afrtc of gtaata 2 Franca coia 3-VBfastan 14-A wUH 4-R-Kbi loot 3-4weH IT A maw poUtoaa aflmfUl 54-Aayecimea DQWX lKtgtlXMit cbickant A taxea tabrta aApan TAapueai ai tnatramtat 4i mm TIE A a fklU aj jo 7 aq tit l(r 3l(M i 7.

McAllen Daily Press from McAllen, Texas (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.